
July 2, 2008

Keep the hot dogs hot and the potato salad cool!
New department chairs announced
Leanne Tigges named CALS Director of Faculty Development
CALS will help pilot new campus web content management system
New Wiscard serves as campus photo ID, debit and meal card, and offers building access
Class for freshman engineers needs service projects
Bill Hoyt retires as head gardener of the Allen Centennial Gardens
UW-Madison Day at the Fair website is online
Continuity of Operations Planning is geared toward major disruption of activities
Campus energy facts for water

Doug Weibel named as Searle Scholar
Dan Gianola travels to Berlin to accept Humboldt Research Award
Joe Lauer is president-elect of Crop Science Society of America
Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program to honor Gerry Campbell on July 19
Article by Srinivasan Damodaran is “most accessed”
CALS students elected as leaders of state FFA Association

Arlington dairy facility grand opening — July 30
CALS Ice Cream Social July 31
Research stations list public events
Save Sept. 6 for CALS Football Fireup

Submit proposals for Laura W. Bush Traveling Fellowship by Aug. 5
Call for proposals to use genetic diversity to address environmental challenges
Apply for Fulbright Scholar grants to support collaborations in South Africa
Social Science Research Council offers Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship

Funding Opportunities
Best Practices: Gift Checks
Multistate research proposals
Training opportunities: Research proposals and budgeting

Submit Summer Grades before August 1 (no exceptions)
PEOPLE program seeks CALS volunteers for guest lectures or lab tours

New I-9 Form effective July 1
Campus offers two Sponsored Project Administration seminars this summer

• CALS in the News June 23-27 and June 30 – July 3
State residents’ opinions of UW-Madison are quite favorable, poll suggests
Editorial underscores technology’s role in Wisconsin’s economic development