
UHS Mental Health Services offers online resources for students

Finals can be a tough time for Badgers. UHS Mental Health Services offers several 24/7 online resources for students who may be struggling:

Uwill is an online counseling option for students. Licensed mental health professionals are available for video, phone, chat and message sessions during flexible hours. Appointments are typically available within 24 hours.

Togetherall is a clinically moderated online community where students can anonymously seek and provide mental health support by sharing their experiences in a safe environment. 

Connecting Badgers provides students with tips to promote their mental health to strengthen wellbeing and success. The podcast helps listeners improve their mental health so they can recognize, manage and prevent mental health concerns. Connecting Badgers is available on all streaming platforms

The UHS Mental Health Crisis Support Line is staffed 24/7 by licensed professionals. For crisis support, call 608-265-5600 (option 9).