
Dean Glenda Gillaspy and students to discuss Wisconsin Rural Partnernships Institute at Earth Fest – Apr. 19-26

Earth Fest, organized by the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Office of Sustainability, will take place April 19-26. The event is for all members of the Badger community and will bring together all things environment and sustainability. Participants can dive into groundbreaking research, dig in the dirt at community gardens, make career connections or master sustainable techniques for home.

CALS Dean Glenda Gillaspy will be a panelist at the “Supporting the Vitality of Rural Communities Through the Wisconsin Rural Partnerships Institute” session on April 26. The Wisconsin Rural Partnerships Institute (RPI) supports the state’s rural communities. Panelists will discuss the overall RPI mission and its three major components: “Wisconet” monitoring stations, the Wisconsin State Climatology Office, and community research and outreach projects with rural stakeholders.

A “How Sustainable and Healthy is Our Food? Global Food Production and Health Poster Session” will be held on April 24. Students from the Agronomy 377: Global Food Production and Health course will present posters on sustainability and health assessment of different farming systems from around the world. Attendees can learn about where your bananas, coffee, rice, oats and avocados come from and how sustainable the farms are that produce them.