
Stay connected with CALS by following these social media accounts

Social media is a great way to stay up to date with the latest events, happenings and communications in CALS. Below is a list of some key CALS-affiliated accounts to follow!

The College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
X: @UWMadisonCALS
Instagram: @uwmadisoncals
LinkedIn: UW–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Glenda Gillaspy, CALS Dean
X: @Glenda_Gillaspy

Louis Macias, CALS Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
X: @louis__macias

Grow magazine
X: @GrowMagazineUW

Instagram: @walsaauw

Babcock Dairy Store
X: @babcockdairy
Instagram: @babcock_dairy

Bucky’s Varsity Meats
X: @varsitymeats

Allen Centennial Garden
X: @AllenCentennial
Instagram: @allencentennialgarden

Steenbock Library
X: @AskSteenbock
Instagram: @asksteenbock

CALS Ambassadors
X: @calsambs_uw
Instagram: @calsambassadors_uw

UW–Madison Farm and Industry Short Courses
Instagram: @uwmadisonfisc