WiscWeeds graduate students win 8 awards at NCWSS Annual Meeting
In early December, the UW Cropping Systems Weed Science Lab (also known as WiscWeeds), attended the annual North Central Weed Science Society conference in St. Louis. During the conference, the WiscWeeds graduate students presented research papers and posters and did exceptionally well, winning 8 awards among the group.
Award winners:
Tatiane Severo Silva
- 1st place paper presentation in Agronomic Crops I – Corn
- Paper title: Selecting PRE-emergence herbicides for effective soil residual weed control and successful establishment of interseeded cover crops in Wisconsin corn production systems; what a challenge!
- 1st place extension video
- Video title: Concerned about herbicide carryover impacting cover crop establishment? Try a bioassay!
Jose Junior Nunes
- 1st place poster presentation in Weed Biology, Ecology and Management
- Poster title: Effect of cereal rye cover crop biomass on waterhemp emergence and soil abiotic parameters
- 2nd place paper presentation in Agronomic Crops II – Soybean
- Paper title: Planting Soybean Green: Agronomic and Weed Management Benefits and Challenges
Jacob Felsman
- 1st place poster presentation in Agronomic Crops II – Soybean
- Poster title: This or that? Looking into late cereal rye cover crop termination techniques in Wisconsin soybean systems
- Graduate Student Travel Award
Arthur Franco
- 2nd place poster presentation in Agronomic Crops II – Soybean
- Poster title: Comparison of POST-emergence herbicide programs without dicamba in XtendFlex soybean systems: waterhemp control and crop response
Guilherme Chudzik
- Graduate Student Travel Award

Back row L to R: Dan Smith, Jacob Felsman, Rodrigo Werle, Zaim Ugjlic, Guilherme Chudzik, Ahmad Mobli, Ryan DeWerff, Nick Arneson
Front row L to R: Jose Nunes, Arthur Franco, Laura Rodriguez, Nikola Arsenijevic, Tatiane Silva, Felipe Faleco