
Adam Kuchnia receives Aberle Faculty Fellow Award

Portrait of Adam Kuchnia

Adam Kuchnia, assistant professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences, has been selected to receive an Elton D. and Carrie R. Aberle Faculty Fellow Award.

Kuchnia’s research program focuses on nutritional management in clinical populations, with an emphasis on muscle and protein metabolism – with the goal of preserving muscle mass in this group. The work involves clinical nutrition, in vivo muscle imaging, and ex vivo measures of mitochondria function to assess muscle quality and energetics. Kuchnia’s team seeks to refine protein recommendations; develop noninvasive methods to detect muscle wasting; and optimize therapeutic interventions throughout medical treatment and surgery, including chemotherapy and transplantation.

The Aberle Faculty Fellow Award, established by former CALS dean Abe Aberle and his wife Carrie, is designed to recognize and reward promising young faculty within CALS, providing support and encouragement during the critical, pre-tenure period.