
Protocol for events and meetings sponsored by CALS units with an in-person component

This information was updated on May 25, 2021.

The protocol applies to events and meetings sponsored by any CALS department, center, or unit, and aligns with the UW-Madison campus polices (effective May 11, 2021):

On-campus events

CALS follows the campus policies for schools/colleges/divisions, which make a distinction between non-student events held on campus and Registered Student Organization events. There is also additional information on campus building access. When people are visiting campus for events, please follow the applicable travel policy.

Off-Campus events not held in CALS facilities

Events not held on campus should comply with the “Events on Campus” section of the campus policy.

Events at CALS Ag Research Stations.

Event sponsors should submit a plan for the event to the ARS superintendent for discussion and approval. ARS superintendents may limit visitor access to certain facilities or locations to protect animal care staff and animals. Event organizers should communicate with ARS station superintendents to determine event capacity and plans to manage visitor density and movement.

To ensure UW-Madison Accounting Services approves your event expenses, the event host may need to submit an Official Function Form, an Expenses Pre-Approval Form, or both. Please consult your CALS Business Services Accountant to ensure all necessary forms are submitted.

Review and approval process

For events that follow the campus policies the department chair/center director/unit director will have approval authority delegated by the dean.

For events that require an exemption from campus policies (regardless of occurring within or outside of Dane County), plans must first be submitted to the chair/center director/unit director. Upon unit approval, plans must be submitted to Associate Dean Doug Reinemann for final approval.