
Spring 2016 issue of Grow features concussion research, birding for science and more

The spring issue of Grow magazine is available online. Check it out for exciting features including:

GrowSPR16-FrontCover* ConcussionFor CALS geneticist Barry Ganetzky, insight into the genetic underpinnings of traumatic brain injury began by knocking out fruit flies. Our cover story, “A Jolt to the System,” explores Ganetzky’s work.

* For the Birds—A new version of the Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas draws on the increasing power of citizen science. Ben Zuckerberg, a professor of forest and wildlife ecology with expertise in citizen science, is working with Atlas coordinators.

* Age-Old Traditions, New Media—Life sciences communication professor Patty Loew fosters intercultural learning with workshops that help tribal teens tell their stories in a digital world. 

And, as always, if you ace our Final Exam, you might win a Babcock Hall cheese box.

You can try reading the magazine using ISSUU for a “page-turning” online reading experience.

If you want a print edition of the magazine, you can download a pdf from our website or drop by room 136 in Ag Hall later this month and pick one up.