
Annual/Final REEport/CRIS Reports are due January 8, 2016

The Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES) is requesting that you submit calendar year 2015 (10/01/2014-09/30/2015) Experiment Station Project progress and termination reports to the Research, Education, & Extension Project Online Reporting Tool using the REEport website, formally known as CRIS.

REEport, which replaced CRIS in May 2013, is USDA’s electronic reporting mechanism used to document the progress of current Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis, Animal Health or NIFA Non-Formula grants. The January date is for all grants listed above, except NIFA Non-Formula grants (e.g. AFRI, OREI, SCRI etc.). Their due date falls on the anniversary start date. Please check the REEport site to make sure you are not overdue on a USDA grant progress report, if you do not have a current Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis or Animal Health grant.

REEport Website:

If this is your first time logging in, you will need to reset your password. The old CRIS system password will not work with REEport. Enter your email address and click “reset password”. You will receive an email from USDA with a password.

Once you have logged in, you will need to click on either the progress or final report tab to find the report you need to complete. Be aware all grants can be found under BOTH “progress” and “final” report tab. Click on the tab that is appropriate for your grant.

REEport Information and Instructions:

The deadline for submitting 2015 CRIS reports is Friday, January 8, 2016. Each year we have difficulty getting these reports submitted on time. Please be aware that if the report(s) is/are not completed by Friday, January 22, 2016, we will not process any gift, grant, contract, etc. materials for you until the report(s) has/have been completed. It is important for CALS as recipients of Formula Funds to comply with this request.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Casey Hillmer at 2-2397 or