Federal funding Opportunities
Federal funding opportunities from the week of May 12th – May 16th
- Compact High-Density Tactical Energy Storage
- Cooperative Agreement for Research and Program Assistance at DoD Installations Supported by the Kansas City District
- Peer Reviewed Cancer Idea Award with Special Focus
- Transport Injured, Ill, and Orphaned Wildlife from San Diego Bay to Rehabilitation Center
- Mexican Spotted Owl Surveys
- Technology Incubator for Wind Energy Innovations
- Marine and Hydrokinetic (MHK) Demonstrations at the Navy’s Wave Energy Test Site (WETS)
- Marine and Hydrokinetic Device Field Measurements
- FY2014 Methane Hydrates
- Nez Perce National Historic Trail Project
- Database Development for Cumberland Piedmont Network Vital Signs Monitoring
- Prairie Stream Research
- R3 Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #6
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #1
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #3
- Pompey’s Pillar National Monument 3D Interpreation Project in Montana
- CPCESU GSENM Study of Black Bears of Paunsaugunt Plateau, Utah Project
- CESU BLM AZ Strip Cooperative Monitoring Project
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #6
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #1
- Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative CMQ #3
- Establish Baseline Data on Current Status of Bat Species within Wind Cave National Park
- BLM CA CESU Population and Habitat Science Applications for Climate Change Adaptation
- Restoring and Maintaining the ecosystem on the Uncompahgre Plateau
- Archeological Fieldwork and Research for Unanticipated Discoveries
- Nevada Challenge Cost Share Program FY2014
- Surf Scoter Restoration Project for Cosco Busan Oil Spill Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Pla
- Natural Resource Condition Assessment of Parks in NCR Network
- Scientific Investigation of Wildlife Disease Outbreaks
- FA BLM New Mexico State-Wide Internship Program
- Sudden Death in the Young (SDY) Registry
- Diabetes Impact Award-Closed Loop Technologies: Clinical, Physiological and Behavioral Approaches to Improve Type 1 Diabetes Outcomes (DP3)
- Diabetes Impact Award-Closed Loop Technologies: Development and Integration of Novel Components for an Automated Artificial Pancreas System (DP3)
- Data Concepts and Terminology Standards for Clinical Research and Drug Development (U24)
- Sustained Release for Antiretroviral Treatment or Prevention (SRATP) of HIV Infection (UM1)
- Diabetes Impact Award-Closed Loop Technologies: Clinical, Physiological and Behavioral Approaches to Improve Type 1 Diabetes Outcomes (DP3)
- Diabetes Impact Award-Closed Loop Technologies: Development and Integration of Novel Components for an Automated Artificial Pancreas System (DP3)
- SBIR E-learning for HAZMAT and Emergency Response (R43/R44)
- Confirmatory Efficacy Clinical Trials of Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Mental Disorders (R01)
- HIV Vaccine Vector-Host Interactions: Understanding the Biology and Immunology (R21)
- HIV Vaccine Vector-Host Interactions: Understanding the Biology and Immunology (R01)
- B Cell Help Immunology Program for AIDS Vaccine Strategies (R01)
- NK Cells to Induce Immunological Memory to Prevent HIV Infection (R01)
- Fc Receptor (FcR) and Antibody Effector Function in HIV Vaccine Discovery (R01)
- Renewal Awards of SBIR Phase IIB Grants for Brain and Behavior Tools (R44)
- Long-Term Retention in Care for U.S. Substance Using Populations (R34)
- Long-Term Retention in Care for U.S. Substance Using Populations (R21)
- Long-Term Retention in Care for U.S. Substance Using Populations (R01)
- Limited Competition for NIH-Industry Program: Discovering Pediatric New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules (UH2/UH3)
- Limited Competition for NIH-Industry Program: Discovering New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules (UH3)
- Limited Competition for NIH-Industry Program: Discovering New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules (UH2/UH3)
- Pre-application for the NIH-Industry Program: Discovering New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules (X02)
- NIH StrokeNet Clinical Trials and Biomarker Studies for Stroke Treatment, Recovery, and Prevention (U01)
- Clinical Evaluation of Adjuncts to Opioid Therapies for the Treatment of Chronic Pain (R01)
- Limited Competition: National Primate Research Centers (P51)
- Workers Compensation Surveillance
- NIH Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) (R25)
- Biological Anthropology
- Ocean Drilling
- Chemistry Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Dynamical Systems
- Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) and HBCU Research Infrastructure for Science and Engineering (RISE)
- Archaeology Program – Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards (Arch-DDRI)
- Perception, Action & Cognition
- Antarctic Research
- Engineering and Systems Design
- Environmental Health and Safety of Nanotechnology
- Particulate and Multiphase Processes
- Environmental Engineering
- Fluid Dynamics
- Environmental Sustainability
- Energy for Sustainability
- Chemical and Biological Separations
- General & Age-Related Disabilities Engineering (GARDE)
- Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering
- Biophotonics
- Nano-Biosensing
- Catalysis and Biocatalysis
- Process and Reaction Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering