NSF Fastlane: Enhanced Error Checking Begins March 18
Beginning March 18, NSF will introduce enhancements to its FastLane system that will automate compliance checking for required proposal sections. FastLane currently auto-checks for Project Summary, Data Management Plan, and Postdoctoral Mentoring Plan (if applicable). With the enhanced compliance checks, FastLane will check for all required documents, including (in addition to those mentioned above):
- Project Description
- References Cited
- Biographical Sketches
- Budget
- Budget Justification
- Current and Pending Support
- Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources
Note that FastLane will now register an error for missing Biosketches and Current and Pending Support for all Co-PIs and Senior Personnel; however, it is still allowable to submit those documents as part of a single pdf associated with the PI. If this option is used, you must either enter text or upload a file that reads “Not Applicable” for all of the “missing” Co-PI and Senior Personnel documents.
Please let your CALS PreAward Contact know if you have any questions about this. Additional information is available on the NSF website at http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/autocompliance.jsp.