NSF solicits proposals for ARRA funding for research instrumentation and infrastructure
We would like to alert you to two new NSF program solicitations: the Academic Research Infrastructure – Recovery and Reinvestment program (the ARI-R2 solicitation, NSF 09-562) and Major Research Instrumentation – Recovery and Reinvestment program (the MRI-R2 solicitation, NSF 09-561) Funds for these programs were appropriated through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009.
NSF’s inclusion in the ARRA reflects widespread recognition that short-term and long-term investments in fundamental science and engineering research and education are important for stimulating the American economy and ensuring that the United States continues its leadership in innovation.
Together, these two solicitations are intended to strengthen the nation’s academic research capabilities by providing opportunities to develop or acquire research instrumentation (MRI-R2), and to renovate research facilities (ARI-R2).
For the Academic Research Infrastructure solicitation, the deadline for letters of intent, mandatory for those institutions wishing to submit full proposals, is July 1, 2009. The deadline for full proposals is August 24, 2009. For the Major Research Instrumentation solicitation, the deadline for full proposals is August 10, 2009. (No letter of intent is required for MRI-R2.)
Those interested in submitting proposals are encouraged to carefully review the solicitations and program websites, http://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/programs/ari/ and http://www.nsf.gov/od/oia/programs/mri/. An interactive webcast summarizing both solicitations will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2009 from 1pm – 2:45pm EDT. Those wishing to participate in the webcast should register in advance at http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/nsf/090528/ . The registration site includes an opportunity to submit, by email, questions about the ARI-R2 and MRI-R2 solicitations in advance of the webcast.
Steve Meacham and Randy Phelps,
Office of Integrative Activities
National Science Foundation