Don’t sneak through the construction on Henry Mall (or anywhere else)
(Excerpted from UWPD’s Badger Beat) As we all know, campus is undergoing massive amounts of demolition, construction, and renovation. While this will offer unparalleled facilities for research and academic achievement to the near-future and current tenants of the UW, it means the hair-pulling hassle and daily frustrations of dealing with a campus torn apart.
The UW-Madison Police Department understands your frustration and even the urge to simply venture through a construction site; however, we must emphasize that although it may seem like a time saver, the venture may be more perilous than you perceive. The chain-linked fences and the numerous “DANGER”, “NO TRESPASSING”, and “NO STUDENT/STAFF CROSSING” signs are not there in an attempt to infuriate you, rather to keep you safe. This is especially important with regards to the site on Henry Mall. Although it may seem like a good idea to walk from one end to the other, you must remember that there are trucks and other large pieces of equipment operating on this site. Many times, the view of the operator can be partially obstructed by their load. This means they probably cannot see you. In addition to the danger posed by moving vehicles, there is also the possibility of falling debris. Workers have hard hats, students and staff do not.
If for no other reason than your safety, please take an extra minute and go around the construction sites. The extra minute you spend walking around might be the best time/life saver of all. For more information, visit our website at