Get an update on Administrative Process Redesign on April 20
All UW-Madison faculty and staff are invited to hear an update about the Administrative Process Redesign (APR) project on Monday, April 20 , from 2–4 p.m. in the Lowell Hall Dining Room. APR is beginning its third year in leading a broad-based campus effort to build better administrative practices and systems. Please plan to attend this forum to learn how APR is moving into an exciting new phase in which planning for significant, large-scale redesign projects is underway.
Redesign training project teams will also be there to report their findings and approved solutions and highlight some of their implementation successes! Also, learn about the Office of Human Resource Development’s new training program, “Fully Prepared to Lead” which has a component designed to support the APR project. A question and answer session will follow the presentations.
All university staff are invited and may attend without loss of pay. Staff should make arrangements with their supervisors before attending. No registration is required. This campus forum will also be video streamed and viewable from the APR website at using Internet Explorer and Windows media player.
Lowell Hall is located at 610 Langdon Street. The Route 85 campus bus stops in front of the Pyle Center located just a block west of Lowell Hall. The Route 80 campus bus stops at the Memorial Union just a few blocks west of Lowell Hall.
One of the three goals of APR is to engage the campus in an inclusive and transparent project so that all stakeholders are involved. Campus forums are a sign of our continued commitment to achieving this goal. For more information about the campus forum or APR, visit: