Rep. Vruwink to hold hearing on state’s ag economic outlook – Mar. 19
Chair of the Assembly Committee on Agriculture State Representative Amy Sue Vruwink (D-Milladore) will be holding an informational hearing on the status of the Agricultural economic outlook for Wisconsin this week in the Assembly Committee on Agriculture.
“This Thursday, I will be holding the first Assembly Committee on Agriculture Information Hearing. Considering the current economic situation that our farmers are in, I believe it is appropriate to hold a hearing on the economic status of the Agricultural industry,” stated Vruwink.
“I am having invited speakers from the University of Wisconsin College of Ag & Life Sciences Department, Department of Agriculture, Trade, & Consumer Protection, and representatives from the Agricultural lending industries brief my committee on the current economic concerns that Wisconsin farmers are having and what programs are being implemented to help them during these troubling times,” said Vruwink.
The Assembly Committee on Agriculture Informational Hearing will take place on Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. in 417 North (GAR) room of the State Capitol. Anyone who is interested in these issues is welcome to attend.
For more information contact the office of Amy Sue Vruwink at 608-266-8366.
To watch the 2009 Wisconsin Agricultural Economic Outlook Forum or download the Status of Wisconsin Agriculture report visit: