
AquaFish aquaculture program seeks proposals by Feb. 5

The AquaFish Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program invites 26-month proposals for the period of Aug. 1, 2009 through Sept. 30, 2011. The program’s mission is to enrich livelihoods and promote health by cultivating international multidisciplinary partnerships that advance science, research, education and outreach in aquatic resources. Based on current budget projections, one or two awards of under $400,000 each will be made to eligible U.S. universities or colleges to serve as Lead Partners. Eligibility is specified in the RFP.

Awards made under the RFP will focus on aquaculture and the nexus between aquaculture and fisheries. Fisheries-only topics will not be addressed under this RFP. Projects are envisioned to comprise many partners in a multi-disciplinary, multi institutional approach to solve a development problem. Lead Partners are expected to assume strong administrative and technical leadership for projects, be involved in advisory groups serving the overall program and form collaborative partnerships through sub-awards to host country institutions, NGOs, IARCs, private sector firms and other U.S. universities or colleges. Matching support (non-federal cost share) is required and is specified in the RFP. Proposals will be peer-reviewed through an open and competitive process.

Applicants will select an IEHA-country in Africa for operations and may involve other countries to broaden the potential impact of their results. Further information regarding eligible countries is provided in the RFP. Evaluation criteria, budget forms, reporting requirements and other documents are available from the RFP website.

The RFP and other related RFP-documents can be downloaded from To contact AquaFish CRSP, please send an email to CRSP Director at

The AquaFish CRSP is a 5-year program awarded to Oregon State University on 29 September 2006 by USAID. CRSP funding is provided by USAID, OSU, and its partners. The USAID goal for the AquaFish CRSP is to develop more comprehensive, sustainable, ecological and socially compatible, and economically viable aquaculture systems and innovative fisheries management systems in developing countries that contribute to poverty alleviation and food security.