Oct. 22 Majors Fair invites departments and programs to participate
All CALS departments and program are strongly encouraged to participate in the 2008 Majors Exploration Fair on Wednesday, October 22, 3:30-5:30 p.m. in the Memorial Union. Last year this event had a record attendance of more than 770 students. We anticipate high attendance again this year, so your faculty and staff will have an excellent opportunity to connect with many outstanding prospective students. We are continuing our partnerships with the College of Letters & Science, the School of Education and the School of Human Ecology for this event. By having multiple majors and programs in one central location, students truly benefit through exploring the exciting array of choices available to them.
If you are willing to participate in the Majors Exploration Fair, please register by e-mailing the following information to Karen Martin at kmartin@cals.wisc.edu no later than Monday, September 23, 2008.
- CALS Department/Program
- Coordinating Representative
- Campus Address
- E-mail address
- Phone
- Fax
For more information and to help publicize the event, please download and post the 2008 Majors Fair Invitation and Factsheet.
Robert Ray, Associate Dean
Undergraduate Programs and Services