
Fall 2008 Genetics Colloquium schedule

Following is the schedule for the fall 2008 Genetics Colloquium as well as a forum on science and religion. Also on tap are a series of events being planned to celebrate Darwin Day, Feb. 7, 2009. To learn more, visit Genetics’ Evolution Initiative website: or contact Mara McDonald at 608-263-8941 or

Genetics Colloquium Fall 2008

Wednesdays, 3:30 PM, Auditorium of the Genetics/Biotech Building 425 Henry Mall

  • September 17 Paul Marker, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Modeling Genetic Heterogeneity of Human Prostate Cancer in Mice
  • September 24 Cliff Tabin, Harvard Medical School (Xin Sun)
    Evolution and Development of Vertebrate Morphology
  • October 1 Kathaleen O’Connor-Giles, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Molecular Mechanisms of Synaptic Growth: Insights from the Drosophila
    Neuromuscular Junction
  • October 8 Michael Culbertson, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    A Tale of Two Helicases
  • October 15 Elena Kramer, Harvard University (David Baum)
    The Genetic Basis of Floral Innovation
  • October 22 Joe Thornton, University of Oregon-Eugene (Sean Carroll)
    The Origins of Complexity: Molecular Evolution of Steroid Hormone Receptors
  • October 29 Tom Pollard, Yale University (Ahna Skop)
    Molecular Mechanisms of Cellular Motility and Cytokinesis
  • November 5 Sandy Johnson, University of California-San Francisco (Sean Carroll)
    Evolution of Transcription Networks
  • November 12 Mike Sussman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Genomic Profiling Techniques for Connecting the Transcriptome and Metabolome
    Involved in Osmosensing in Plants
  • November 19 Sarah Tishkoff, University of Pennsylvania-Philadelphia (Bret Payseur)
    Genotypic and Phenotypic Variation in Africa: Implications for Human Evolution
    and Disease
  • December 3 Steve Kay, University of California-San Diego (Richard Vierstra)
    Systems Approaches to Understanding Circadian Networks in Plants and Animals Models
  • December 10 Greg Wray, Duke University (Sean Carroll)
    Ganglia, Guts, and Gonads: Evolutionary Changes in Gene Expression
    During Human Origins

Forum on Science and Religion Schedule

  • “Can science be a path to enlightenment?” Tuesday, October 14, 2008
    Steve Paulso, Producer of Wisconsin Public Radio’s nationally-syndicated program, To the Best of Our Knowledge, which won a Peabody Award in 2005 and a Templeton-Cambridge Fellow in Science & Religion
  • “Philosophy, Religion and Science: How Are They Related” Monday, November 3, 6 p.m.
    Elliott Sober, Hans Reichenbach Professor and
    Vilas Research Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, UW-Madison
  • “The Mysterious and Wonderful Universe” Tuesday, December 2, 6 p.m.
    John Mathis, Emeritus Prof. of Astronomy, UW-Madison
  • “The Neuroscience of Compassion” * Tuesday, January 27, 6 p.m.
    Richard Davidson, Vilas Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, UW-Madison
  • “Darwin Day!” * Saturday, February 7
    This year’s event at the UW-Madison campus celebrates the bicentennial of Darwin’s
    birthday and the sesquicentennial of The Origin of the Species.
  • “Understanding the Tree of Life” * Tuesday, March 3, 6 p.m.
    David Baum, Professor of Botany, UW Madison.
  • “Evolutionary Development” * Tuesday, April 7, 6 p.m.
    View a DVD by Sean B. Carroll Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics and an
    Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Wisconsin. Plus a
    panel on evolution and religion.
  • “Human Health and Global Warming” * Tuesday, May 5, 6 p.m.
    Jonathan Patz, , MD, MPH, is Professor of Environmental Studies & Population Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison