
CALS in the News, August 28 – Sept. 4

News about or of interest to CALS faculty and staff…

Title IX watchdogs keeping tabs on university academic departments
The Capitol Times 9/3/2008
Quoted: Jo Handelsman, chair of UW-Madison’s Department of Bacteriology

Calf Management Meeting Scheduled
Agri-View 8/28/2008
Mentions Dr. Shelia McGuirk, UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Mentioned: Dr. Brian Holmes, UW-Madison Department of Biological Engineering

El primer seguro agrario tendra un costa de S/.146 (The first agricultural insurance will cost S/.146)
El Comercio 8/22/2008 (subscription only)
Mentioned: Michael Carter, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Strip-Till Corn Yields ‘Intermediate’
Agri-View 9/4/2008
Quoted: Joe Lauer, Agronomy

Wisconsin Makes Best Whole Chocolate Milk, Too
Agri-View 9/4/2008
Mentioned: UW-Madison’s Babcock Dairy Plant

Wisconsin Eat Local Challenge is Sept. 5-14
Country Today 9/3/2008 Pg 7B (subscription only)
Mentioned: Chris Carusi, Center for Integrated Agriculture

Exports help boost dairy prices
Country Today 9/3/2008 Pg 3B (subscription only)
Quoted: Brian Gould, Ag & Applied Economics

Topics of Interest

Wear Red. Think Green. Badgers Recycle.
University of Wisconsin Badgers 8/28/2008

State fails to make right ‘green’ moves
The Capital Times 9/2/2008
Editorial by Douglas B. Johnson, UW Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (PhD, ’96)