
Save Oct. 10 for Yahara Lakes Conference

The sources of excess nutrients and sediments that enter the Yahara Lakes are widely known and well understood.  But practical and effective ways to halt this pollution — which degrades water quality, feeds excess growth of weeds and algae, and leads to frequent beach closings – continue to elude us.  A conference on Oct. 10, A Clean Future for the Yahara Lakes: Solutions for Tomorrow, Starting Today, will focus on identifying and implementing answers to these persistent problems.

This day-long conference will begin with a quick overview of the state of the lakes and a presentation on their economic and ecological value to the region.  Concurrent sessions will then focus on different aspects of the nutrient-sediment issue and explore the partnerships, strategies, policies, technologies and funding sources that are needed to attack them, from farm fields to construction sites, from city streets to beaches.  The day will conclude with a leadership panel that will be asked to respond to a set of recommendations or ideas emanating from these sessions.

A Clean Future for the Yahara Lakes: Solutions for Tomorrow, Starting Today will be open to the public.  For more information or to register, please visit or contact Steve Pomplun at the Nelson Institute, or 263-3063.

We hope to see you at Monona Terrace on October 10!