Send nominations for Department Administrator Certificate Program by Aug. 12
Nominations for the Department Administrator Certificate Program (DACP) are now being accepted through Tuesday, August 12. The objective of DACP is to enhance participants’ knowledge of the University and to assist them in supporting UW-Madison departments by becoming more effective managers and supervisors. All department administrators and staff in both academic and administrative departments are eligible for nomination.
The chosen nominees will receive an overview of key university functions, presented by UW-Madison faculty and staff in ten three-hour sessions. A certificate is awarded upon personal completion of all ten sessions.
Chairs and supervisors are encouraged to nominate employees for this very informative program. Nominating staff is a positive way to recognize them by providing an opportunity to attend a professional development series and to network with colleagues across campus. If you have an employee(s) you would like to nominate, please contact Maggie Willems at 608-265-4473 or by e-mail, to receive a nomination form. Please include how many people you would like to nominate.