New CALS scholarship fund aims to bring talented rural youth to CALS
Strengthening Wisconsin’s rural communities has always been central to the CALS mission. To carry out that mission, we want to continue to bring bright students from rural Wisconsin to CALS and provide them the necessary skills to become future leaders in fields related to agriculture, food, health, energy and the environment. But CALS recognizes that affordability is a challenge for rural youth. As tuition increases and the availability of financial assistance becomes more limited, CALS and the UW Foundation have created the Wisconsin Rural Youth Scholarship Fund to address this challenge. Please help spread the word about this effort. A flyer about the WRYS is available online.
- The fund will help rural youth become leaders in fields that are central to their communities: food and agriculture, health, energy and the environment.
- The goal is to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students from Wisconsin who meet specific requirements of rural background, merit and financial need.
- Assistance is targeted at students in rural Wisconsin high schools.
- Gifts to the Wisconsin Rural Youth Scholarship will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the CALS Deans’ Office while challenge funds last.
To make a gift to the Wisconsin Rural Youth Scholarship please make checks payable to
UW Foundation -Wisconsin Rural Youth Scholarship and mail to:
University of Wisconsin Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
PO Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI 53278-0807
You may also make a gift online at For more information please contact Brian Hettiger at 608-265-5893 or